Dragomir Yordanov
Dragomir Yordanov

Dragomir Yordanov was born in Sofia and is 23 years old. He has bachelor degree in “Scenography” and already working on diverse video and art projects. He received award for best video effects for the project 3D Mapping Projection "1300 years Bulgaria", 2013. In 2012 he was awarded first prize in the contest of “United Bulgarian Bank”. He took also part at “International Student Exhibition in Performing Arts” (ISDSWE) Beijing, China. He developed projection mappings and installations for different festivals during his master studying. 

Borislav Ginov and Dragomir Yordanov are graduate students in MA “Digital arts” at National Аcademy of Аrt, Sofia.

Both participated at different art festivals and exhibitions with their own works, but for the master project MoBox they decided to collaborate. 

