Borislav Ginov
Borislav Ginov was born in Plovdiv and is 28 years old. He has bachelor degree in “Interior and spatial design”, his intention is to combine the both fields of knowledge. Some of his recent projects are interactive multimedia installation “Manipulated actuality” created for “Night of museums and galleries”, Plovdiv 2014. This is one of the biggest contemporary art festivals in Bulgaria. At autumn 2014 he took part at “Days of the Bulgarian Documentary Cinema – BULDOC”, Berlin with short movie “Loveway” (student project). In the summer of 2013 he and his crew realized audio-visual installation named “PentaPulse” created for the opening of “Water tower art fest”, Sofia. His projects ranging from redesign objects and furniture to digital installations, video art, 3D mapping, even street actions and land art. He is also founder of design collective “Baraka”.
Borislav Ginov and Dragomir Yordanov are graduate students in MA “Digital arts” at National Аcademy of Аrt, Sofia.
Both participated at different art festivals and exhibitions with their own works, but for the master project MoBox they decided to collaborate.